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Todd Boss to present as part of the Mary E. Rolling Reading Series

Todd Boss to present as part of the Mary E. Rolling Reading Series

Todd Boss grew up on an eighty-acre cattle farm in west central Wisconsin. His poetry collections, both published by W. W. Norton, are Pitch (2012) and Yellowrocket (2008). His MFA is from the University of Alaska–Anchorage. His poems have appeared in Poetry, The New Yorker, The London Times, Best American Poetry and on NPR. His thirty-five-part poem, “Fragments for the 35W Bridge,” was published in its entirety by The Star Tribune, and inspired Swedish artist Maja Spasova’s “Project 35W,” an August 2012 art installation on the Mississippi River that marked the fifth anniversary of the famous bridge collapse in Minneapolis. Panic, Boss’s verse retelling of Knut Hamsun’s 1894 novella, Pan, will premiere as a one-man opera in late 2013 arranged by Boston Conservatory’s Andy Vores. Boss is the founding co-director of Motionpoems, a poetry film initiative now collaborating with Copper Canyon, Milkweed, Graywolf, Ecco, and other literary presses. Boss lives in north suburban Saint Paul with his wife and children.


from October 25, 2012 7:30 PM
to October 25, 2012 9:00 PM


Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library

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