Manini Samarth
115 Burrowes Building
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Spring 2025 Office Hours
Spring 2025. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. via Canvas email. Online classes.Education
Professional Bio
Manini Samarth teaches classes in literature, rhetoric and writing, and women’s studies. Her research interests include the history of the Anglophone novel and the matrix of race and gender as it shapes emerging voices in postcolonial and modern British fiction.
Her articles and stories have been published in periodicals including Parnassus: Poetry in Review, The Alaska Quarterly Review, The Bellevue Literary Review , Chelsea, The Malahat Review, Boston Review, Words and Images, The London Magazine and Stand, and in the anthologies Signals (Ed. Alan Ross, Constable Press, UK), Rooted and Branching: Women Worldwide (Ed. Dorothy Nyce, Goshen, IN), and The O’Henry Festival Stories (Greensboro, NC). Her short stories have won the Chelsea Award in Short Fiction, the Boston Review Short Story Award (now the Aura Estrada Short Story Award), the BBC World Service International Short Story Award (Co-winner in 2000, and Runner-Up in 2005); the Andre Dubus Short Story Award; and the Stand Magazine (U.K.) International Short Story Award. She has been awarded a Literature Fellowship (Fiction) from the Indiana Arts Council, and two Literature Fellowships (Fiction) from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Her work has been featured by InterAct Theatre Company, Philadelphia, in their Writing Aloud performance series; and her stories have been broadcast internationally on the BBC literary program Off the Shelf. Her collection of short fiction is to be published in spring 2022 by The University Press of Kentucky.
Courses Taught:
- Engl 404: South Asian Fiction.
- English 490 Women Writers and their Worlds.
- Engl 201: What is Literature.
- Engl 200: Introduction to Critical Reading. WGSS 200: Global Feminism.
- Engl 194: Women Writers.
- Engl/WGSS 083s: Women, Writing and Resistance.
- CmLit/Asia: 106 Introduction to Asian Literature.
- Engl 30, 30S;15, 15A, 15s: Writing & Rhetoric.
- WGSS 003: Women in the Arts and Humanities.
- WGSS106H: Representing Women and Gender in the Arts, Literature and Popular Culture.