Robert Lawrence Caserio
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

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Professional Bio
Recent publications:
The Cambridge Introduction to British Fiction, 1900-1950 (Cambridge University Press, January, 2019), monograph.
"Novel Narratives, Lyric Flights," essay, Diacritics 45:4 (2017, published October, 2018), 44-66.
"Roundtable," with Sharon P. Holland and Hiram Perez, review of Hiram Perez, A Taste for Brown Bodies, Journal of American Studies 52:2 (2018), 580-587.
"Last American Stories and Their Adventurous Sequels," chapter, American Literature as World Literature, ed. Jeffrey R. DiLeo (Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2017), 227-244.
"Hollow Auguries: Eccentric Genealogies in The Folding Star and The Spell,"
chapter, Writing Under the Influence: Essays on Alan Hollinghurst, eds. Denis
Flannery and Michele Mendelssohn (Manchester University Press,
"T. F. Powys's 'Un-Claying' of Social Realist Fiction," essay, The Powys Journal XXVI (2016)
"Beyond Oedipal Psychology in Sons and Lovers: Lawrence's 'Foreword' to
Being and History," essay, D. H. Lawrence Review, special number on Sons and
Lovers, eds. Keith Cushman and Richard Kaye, 39.2 (2014), 97-115 (published December, 2015).
"Unintelligible Specificity and the Writing of Gay Literary History," review essay, American Literary History 27:1 (spring, 2015), 148-161.
"The Novel as Mystic Fable: Isherwood and Huxley," chapter, The American Isherwood, eds. Chris Freeman and James Berg (University of Minnesota Press, 2014).
"Art and Pornography at the Limit of Action," chapter, Porn Archives, eds. Tim Dean, David Squires, and Steven Ruszczycky (Duke University Press, 2014).
"'To Terminus Build Fanes!': Faith and Democracy in Clarel, Disraeli, and Henry Adams," chapter, Facing Melville, Facing Italy, eds. Giorgio Mariani, John M. Bryant, and Gordon Poole (University of Rome-Sapienza Press, 2014).
"Abstraction, Impersonality, Dissolution," chapter, The Cambridge Companion to Modernist Autobiography, eds. Maria Di Battista and Emily Wittman (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
"Powys among the Autobiographers, 1900-1940," essay, The Powys Journal XXIV (2014).
"Reactionary Modernism," chapter, A Handbook of Modernism Studies, ed. Jean-Michel Rabate (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013).
"Narrative and Narratology: The Ebb Tide of Action," chapter, Approaches to Teaching Robert Louis Stevenson, ed. Caroline McCracken-Flescher (Modern Language Association of America, 2013).
Co-editor, with Clement Hawes, The Cambridge History of the English Novel (Cambridge University Press, 2012).
"Queer Modernism," chapter, The Oxford Handbook of Modernisms, eds Peter Brooker, Andrzej Gasiorek, Deborah Longworth, and Andrew Thacker (Oxford University Press, 2010).
Editor, The Cambridge Companion to the Twentieth-Century English Novel (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
Co-author, with James Acheson, "History in fiction," chapter, The Cambridge Companion to the Twentieth-Century English Novel (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
"Robert Liddell's Fiction and Literary Criticism: A Case for Recovery?", essay, Western Humanities Review LXIII: 2 (Summer, 2009).
"James, Cather, Vollmann, and the Distinction of Historical Fiction," chapter, Fiction's Present: Situating Contemporary Narrative Innovation," eds. Ralph Berry and Jeffrey R. Di Leo (State University of New York Press, 2008).
"Queer Fiction: the Ambiguous Emergence of a Genre," chapter, A Concise Companion to Contemporary British Fiction, ed. James F. English (Blackwell Publishing, 2006).
"G. K. Chesterton and the Terrorist God Outside Modernism," essay, G. K. Chesterton, ed. Harold Bloom (Chelsea House Publishers, 2006).
Areas of Specialization
19th-century British Literature
Romantic and Victorian fiction; history of the novel
Modernist Studies
English and American modernism; British fiction 1900-1950; queer modernism; history of the novel
Theory and Cultural Studies
gay and lesbian literary traditions