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Congratulations to John Smilges for winning the 2019 Gene Wise-Warren Susman Prize of the America Studies Association!

Congratulations to John Smilges for winning the 2019 Gene Wise-Warren Susman Prize of the America Studies Association!

Here is ASA’s announcement: “The Gene Wise – Warren Susman Prize is awarded each year for the best paper to be presented by a graduate student at the annual meeting. The winning paper may deal with any aspect of American history, literature, or culture, but should reflect the breadth, the critical imagination, the intellectual boldness, and the cross-disciplinary perspective so strongly a part of the scholarship of both Gene Wise and Warren Susman. The committee is pleased to announce the award for the best graduate student paper submitted for the 2019 meeting will go to JOHNATHAN SMILGES, ‘The Ex-Gay Masquerade: Queercrip Conversion.’” Well done, John! That’s quite a recognition.