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Awards announced for 2012 Penn State Essay Contest

Awards announced for 2012 Penn State Essay Contest

The Pennsylvania State University is happy to announce the following winners in the 2012 Penn State High School Essay Contest.

First Place: Dallas Hamlin, Altoona Area High School

Second Place: Suyash Fulay, North Allegheny High School

Third Place: Priya Kikani, North Penn High School

Caleb Acker, Huntingdon Area High School

Hillary Auker, Altoona Area High School

Daniel Bein, North Allegheny High School

Samuel Bollinger, State College Area High School

Emily Densmore, Laurel Highlands Sr. High School

Laura Erle, Emmaus High School

Elizabeth Faeth, Upper St. Clair High School

Rheanne Gatmaitan, Great Valley High School

Daniel Gift, Council Rock High School North

Brett Mace, Upper St. Clair High School

Richard McCoy, North Allegheny High School

Michelle Reagle, Neshannock Jr./Sr. High School

Rachel Reineke, Blue Mountain High School

Jenna Spoont, Conestoga High School

Tori Staley, State College Area High School

Jacqueline Tawney, Downingtown East High School

Eleanor Tsai, State College High School

These awards are given in recognition of excellent student writing.  Three winners and seventeen finalists were chosen from nominees already identified by their high schools as outstanding student writers.  Judges from Penn State were enthusiastic about the quality of the entries, and many commented on the fine writing and careful thinking that characterized the essays – fine writing and careful thinking that attest to excellent English instruction in Pennsylvania’s high schools.

We congratulate all the nominees on their achievement, thank all participating high schools for their support, and encourage you to participate next year in recognizing our outstanding high school writers.  Again, congratulations to all of the winners.