Charlotte Holmes
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Curriculum Vitae
Professional Bio
Charlotte Holmes's collection of short fiction, The Grass Labyrinth,published in March 2016 by BkMk Press, received both the Gold Medal for the Short Story from the Independent Publishers Association (the IPPY) and the Gold Medal for the Short Story from Foreward magazine. Her fiction and essays have appeared in The Antioch Review, Epoch, Grand Street, Narrative, New Letters, The New Yorker, and other magazines, and her poems in American Poetry Review, Tar River Poetry, The Women's Review of Books, and other journals. Her work has been cited for excellence in the O.Henry Prize Stories anthology, Best American Stories, and Best American Essays, and anthologized in After O'Connor: Contemporary Georgia Writers and in two volumes of New Stories From the South: The Year's Best. The recipient of a Writer's Exchange fellowship from Poets & Writers, she has also received a Wallace Stegner Fellowship, two Pennsylvania Arts Council Fellowships, the D.H. Lawrence Fellowship, a travel fellowship from the American-Scandinavian Foundation, and from Penn State, the George Atherton Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Stephanie J. Pavoucek Shields Faculty Award for the Mentoring of Women, the College of the Liberal Arts Outstanding Advising Award, and the College of the Liberal Arts Award for Outstanding Teaching By Tenure-Line Faculty. She directed the Creative Writing Program at Penn State from 2013-2020. Now retired from Penn State, she lives in Belfast, Maine.
Areas of Specialization
Creative Writing
Short fiction, essays, and poetry.