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Elizabeth Foulke

Elizabeth Foulke

Assistant Teaching Professor of English
Preferred Pronouns: she/her/hers

117 Burrowes Building
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

117 Burrowes Building
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Spring 2025 Office Hours

Tuesdays 12:15 PM-2:15 PM (in person) Wednesdays 4:00 PM-5:00 PM (Zoom) and by appointment (email to schedule)


Ph.D. University of Rhode Island (2021)
M.A. University of Rhode Island (2003)
B.A. Drew University (1997)

Professional Bio

Elizabeth Foulke is a writer and educator. Her essays and poetry appear in Third Coast, Slag Glass City, Little Patuxent Review, Solstice, and others. You can read her chapter “The Single Woman’s Thousand Shapes of Love in Virginia Woolf’s To the LighthouseSingular Selves: An Introduction to Singles Studies (Routledge, 2023). She has a long-standing interest in the intersection of gender, race, and singleness and has received awards for her work in the public humanities and excellence in teaching.