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Gabriel Aguilar

Gabriel Aguilar

English Graduate Assistant
203 Burrowes Building, Cubicle E
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Gabriel Lorenzo Aguilar

Spring 2024 Office Hours

Not teaching this semester


MA in English, Penn State University
BA in English w/ concentration in Professional Writing & Rhetoric, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Professional Bio

Gabriel Aguilar is a fourth-year PhD student at Penn State University studying rhetoric and technical communication. Born in the border town of Brownsville, TX, Gabe researches the intersections of rhetoric and technology that historically effect the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. His other research interests include Chicanx/Latinx rhetorics, border rhetorics, and feminist rhetorics.

Gabe is also a fellow in the Health Policy Research Program, a 4-year fellowship from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and administered by Johns Hopkins University. As a member of the HPRS, he is receiving financial and network support in an effort to bring his research into the field of Healthy Policy and vice versa. His dissertation "The Case for Humanitarian Technical Communication: Theory, Method, and Praxis," won the HPRS dissertation award in 2022.