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Jess Rafalko

Jess Rafalko

Graduate Research Assistant
EGO PhD Representative (2024-2025)
004 Burrowes Building, Cubicle D
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Curriculum Vitae


MA, English, Penn State University (2022)
MFA, Creative Writing (Fiction), The Ohio State University (2018)
BA, English, King's College (2014)

Professional Bio

I am a PhD candidate in English. My research focuses on the intersection of labor, grievance, and form in the Post-45 American novel.

I'm also a fiction writer. My work has appeared most recently in One Story and The Apple Valley Review.

Areas of Specialization

American Literature After 1900

The Post-45 American novel

Contemporary Literature

Contemporary realism

Creative Writing

The teaching (and institutionalization) of creative writing, the craft manual as a genre

Theory and Cultural Studies

Novel theory, formalism, Marxism