Matt Tierney
206 Burrowes Building
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Spring 2025 Office Hours
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 12:20-1:20Education
Professional Bio
I teach and write about digital and media cultures with reference to political histories and theories of technologism.
I’ve published two books — Dismantlings: Words against Machines in the American Long Seventies and What Lies Between: Void Aesthetics and Postwar Post-Politics — and my other writing appears in diacritics, Configurations, Cultural Critique, Camera Obscura, and Postmodern Culture (for which I co-edited a special issue on “Medium and Mediation”) as well as numerous other books and journals. Considered praise of Dismantlings appears in American Literary History, boundary 2 , and The Year’s Work in English Studies; and of What Lies Between in American Literature. I've recently written on topics like 21st-century utopianism, speculative prose, citational politics, and post-movement art; and I've been interviewed on the topic of literature and technology with Public Books and on critical cyberculture with Penn State’s Digital Culture and Media Initiative, which I now direct.
I teach graduate seminars with titles like like “Mass Culture Machines,” “Cultural Critique and High-Tech Capitalism,” “Race, Gender, Medium,” “Technoculture and Literary Politics,” “Media/Culture,” and “Reading Film.” My undergraduate teaching ranges more widely, from humanity in computerized society to technological imagination and social thought, to work and literature, community studies, film poetics, critical reading, and the politics of science fiction. I co-direct our Honors Program in English.
Areas of Specialization
Contemporary Literature
Social movement literatures; literatures of work; print media about nonprint media
Media and Digital Studies
Cultural consequences of technologism; mediations of social change; intermediality and mediatedness; political economy and accountability in the automation age
Theory and Cultural Studies
Philosophy of technology; history of theory; negativity and critique; labor and management history; politics of race and gender; cultural and media studies
Visual Culture
Aesthetics and postaesthetics; conceptual and postconceptual art; political histories of art and film; critical visual literacy