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Rebecca Haddaway

Rebecca Haddaway

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow
Preferred Pronouns: She/her

203 Burrowes Building, Cubicle C
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

203 Burrowes Building, Cubicle C
Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Mailroom: 430 Burrowes Building

Rebecca Haddaway

Spring 2025 Office Hours

Fall 2024: Mondays, 10AM-12PM Wednesdays, 2PM-4PM Or by appointment


Ph.D. English and Visual Studies, The Pennsylvania State University
M.A. English, The Pennsylvania State University
B.A. English Literature, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
B.A. Global Studies: Development, Health, and the Environment, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
B.A. Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication: French, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Professional Bio

I am a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in the English department with interests in late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century American literature, histories of science and medicine, and visual culture such as scientific illustration, medical imaging, and mapping.

I recently completed my PhD in English and Visual Studies at Penn State, during which I worked on my dissertation, titled Medical Discourse and Antislavery Resistance in the Early American Republic. In addition to reconceptualizing my dissertation as a book project, I am currently building a digital mapping project that presents archival materials and commentary to chart relationships between antislavery writing and ideas about the human body in a transatlantic space.

This will be my seventh year teaching literature and writing courses at Penn State. This Fall 2024 semester, I am teaching English/African American and Diaspora Studies 469: Slavery and the Literary Imagination and two sections of English 15: Rhetoric and Composition.

Writing courses that I have taught in previous semesters include English 15: Rhetoric and Composition, English 202A: Writing in the Social Sciences, and English 202B: Advanced Writing in the Humanities. I have also taught literature courses including Comparative Literature 12: Introduction to World Drama, Comparative Literature 131: Crime and Detection in World Literature, and English 191: Science Fiction.