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Coffee Talk with Professor Nergis Ertürk (Modernist Studies Graduate Student Organization)

Coffee Talk with Professor Nergis Ertürk (Modernist Studies Graduate Student Organization)

The Modernist Studies Graduate Student Organization invites you to a Coffee Talk with Nergis Ertürk, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at Penn State and recent recipient of the MLA’s First Book prize and the American Council of Learned Societies’ Charles A. Ryskamp Fellowship. Professor Ertürk will discuss her research trajectory in Modern and Postcolonial literatures and some thoughts on modernism, comparison, and methodologies in the new modernist studies, with Q & A to follow. Up for discussion will be both Professor Ertürk’s January 2008 PMLA article, “Modernity and Its Fallen Languages: Tanpınar’s Hasret, Benjamin’s Melancholy,” and her chapter from the 2012 Oxford Handbook of Global Modernisms, “Modernism Disfigured: Turkish Literature and the ‘Other West.'”

The talk will take place at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, April 19, in the Grucci Room (29 Burrowes Building). Coffee will be provided.

Please contact Krista Quesenberry ( or Joe Greenwell ( of the Modernist Studies Graduate Student Organization with questions or to request the pre-circulated readings.


from April 19, 2013 12:30 PM
to April 19, 2013 2:00 PM


Grucci Room, Room 29, Burrowes Building

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