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Dave Housley to open Red Weather Reading Series

Dave Housley to open Red Weather Reading Series

Dave Housley is the author of the short story collection If I Knew the Way, I Would Take You Home, which will be released in 2012 from Dark Sky Books.  His first collection, Ryan Secrest is Famous, was published in 2007.  His fiction has appeared in Columbia, Hobart, Mid-American Review, Nerve, PANK, Quarterly West, Dzanc’s Best of the Web Anthology, and other literary magazines and anthologies.  He’s one of the founding editors and fiction editors at Barrelhouse Magazine, and the co-founder and organizer of Washington DC’s Conversations and Connections writer’s conference.


The first 20 or so attendees will receive a free copy of Barrelhouse Magazine.


from November 10, 2011 7:30 PM
to November 10, 2011 9:00 PM


108 Chambers Building

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