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Digital Culture and Media Initiative Critical Digital Studies Speaker Series: Brian Hochman

Digital Culture and Media Initiative Critical Digital Studies Speaker Series: Brian Hochman

A series of presentations and conversations with the theme Critical Digital Studies, featuring speakers invited to visit Penn State. Its goal is to present critical, rather than merely celebratory perspectives on the study of digital culture and media; to explore emerging perspectives on the politics of the technology industry, software engineering ethics, and the legislative regulation of data collection and analysis; and to integrate with the study of digital culture and media the study of social class, race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, disability, and postcoloniality, as well as non-Western cultural perspectives. For 2014–2015 and 2015-2016, our themes will be digital labor, cyberlibertarianism, and the post-digital.

December 9, 2014: Brian Hochman, Georgetown University, author of Savage Preservation: The Ethnographic Origins of Modern Media Technology (University of Minnesota Press, 2014)



from December 9, 2014 3:00 PM
to December 9, 2014 5:00 PM


Mann Assembly, Paterno Library

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