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Robert Appelbaum to speak on “Shakespeare and the Terrorists”

Robert Appelbaum to speak on “Shakespeare and the Terrorists”

Robert Appelbaum received his BA from the University of Chicago and his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, where he studied under Stephen Greenblatt.  He is currently Professor of English Literature at Uppsala University, Sweden, and has taught at the University of Cincinnati, the University of San Diego, and Lancaster University in Lancaster, England.  In 2007 he won the Roland H. Bainton Prize for Aguecheek’s Beef, Belch’s Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections: Literature, Culture and Food among the Early Moderns (Chicago). In 2011 he published a follow-up study, Dishing It Out: In Search of the Restaurant Experience (Reaktion).  In recent years a fellow of the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust, and the Arts and Humanities Research Council, he has just completed a manuscript entitled Terrorism Before the Letter: Literatures of Political Violence in Britain and France 1559-1642.


from March 27, 2012 4:00 PM
to March 27, 2012 6:00 PM


Grucci Room, 29 Burrowes Building

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