4PM – 008 Mueller
10AM – 008 Mueller
Please join Penn State Faculty, students, and our honored speakers for the Imaginary Vistas Spring Symposium. This year’s symposium examines the relationship among the social, the surface, and the superficial as they impact approaches to literary texts. This constellation of organizing concepts builds upon recent methodologies linking the surface features of texts to their social impact, highlighting the ethical and critical functions of description, and attending thoughtfully to what might easily be dismissed as superficial.
In conjunction with the public talk, we seek to articulate and put into practice new modes of academic sociability. The Salon provides a chance to apply our thinking from the public talk through engagement with primary materials. The Salon also provides a space for conversation outside the formats of the individual invited speaker, the conference panel, and the seminar. We invite you to join in what is sure to be a warm and spirited discussion. We hope that a socially-developed (and provisional) interpretive method might emerge from these connected events.
Sponsored By:
Imaginary Vistas, The Penn State Philosophy Department, The Penn State Institute for the Arts and Humanities, and The Penn State English Department’s Graduate Studies Office
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