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Graduate Student Publications

Graduate Student Publications

Our data shows that publication in recognized refereed venues is an important factor in the quest for high-quality academic employment.  As such, Penn State English puts a great deal of emphasis on helping our students to publish well.  Below is a selection of published and soon-to-be published work by our current and recent graduate students.

Published or Forthcoming in 2022

Erlandson, Andrew. “Intemperate Reform: Cripped Associations in Walt Whitman’s Franklin Evans.” J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, vol. 10 no. 1 (2022): 179-185. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/jnc.2022.0010.

Hart, Michael Patrick. “Illness and Disability Narratives.” The Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Fiction, 1980-2020, eds. Patrick O’Donnell, Lesley Larkin, and Stephen J. Burn. Wiley-Blackwell, 2022.

McCluskey, Madeline. “Eating Across Borders: Dietary Politics in ‘Goodbye, Columbus’ and Absurdistan.”  Philip Roth Studies 18.2 (2022): 53-66.

Montalvo, Aaron. “Novel Paintings: Learning to Read Art Through Joseph Highmore’s Adventures of Pamela,Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, vol. 51 (2022), 23-48.

Murray, Courtney. “Transcribing Terrell: Douglass Day 2021, Black Women, and Community.” Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers, “Covid-19 and the Archive” (online forum) (2022):

Smith, Justin. “Race in the Space Between.” The Space Between: Literature and Culture 1914-1945 17 (2021).

Warczak, Katie. “F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway,” with Krista Quesenberry. In American Literary Scholarship: An Annual – 2020, ed. Gary Scharnhorst, Duke UP (forthcoming, 2022).

– – -. Review of The New Hemingway Studies, edited by Suzanne Del Gizzo and Kirk Curnutt. The Hemingway Review, vol. 43, no. 2, Spring 2022 (forthcoming).

Published in 2021

Belsare, Akash. “Feralizing the Human/Animal Distinction in Bhanu Kapil’s Humanimal.” Contemporary Literature September 21, 2021 61:362-387; doi:10.3368/cl.61.3.362

Glew, Liana. “Memoirs of Madness.” J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, 9.1 (Spring 2021): 97-104.

Hamill, Morgan. “The Norse King Ivar the Boneless”; “diagnosis can be confirmed through DNA…”; “Work”; “Glass-Bone.” The Georgia Review, Winter 2021.

– – -. “Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type XVII & Others.” Copper Nickel, no. 33 (Fall 2021): 76-97.

– – -. “Sound to Her Is a Flight.” Southern Review 57.3 (Summer 2021): 501.

Huang, Michelle. “Racial Disintegration: Biomedical Futurity at the Environmental Limit.” American Literature (2021) 93 (3): 497–523.

Sibo, Alex. Sibo, Alex. “Chapter 4. The Literacy Load is Too Damn High! A PARS Approach to Cohort-Based Discussion Online.” In PARS in Practice: More Resources and Strategies for Online Writing Instructors, edited by Jessie Borgman and Casey McArdle, 71-81. Fort Collins: WAC Clearinghouse, 2021.

Smith, Justin and Courtney Murray (with Jim Casey). “Creating and Recreating Virtual Community on Douglass Day.” Scribes, special issue of Stratwords, no. 2 (December 2021).

Tabares, Leland. “Misfit Professionals: Asian American Chefs and Restauranteurs in the Twenty-First Century.” Arizona Quarterly (Summer 2021, 77.2): 103-132. DOI: 10.1353/arq.2021.0006

Toh, Eunice. “Navigating The Green Book: The Networks of Black Digitality and Print.” African American Review, 54.3 (Fall 2021): 233-246.

Published in 2020

Montalvo, Aaron. Review of Tita Chico, The Experimental Imagination: Literary Science and Knowledge in the British Enlightenment, in Modern Language Review 115.2 (April 2020), 448-50.

Poole, Megan. “Orientation: Seeing and Sensing Rhetorically.” Western Journal of Communication, 84.5 (May 2020): 604-622.

Sibo, Alex. Sibo, Alex. Review of Brown Romantics: Poetry and Nationalism in the Global Nineteenth Century, by Manu Samriti Chander. Modern Language Review 115, no. 1 (2020): 160-161.

Smith, Justin. “Black for a Day: White Fantasies of Race and Empathy, by Alisha Gaines,” The Black Scholar, vol. 50, no. 4, 2020, pp. 86-88, DOI: 10.1080/00064246.2020.1811610

– – -. “‘[T]he happiest, well-feddest wolf in Harlem’: Asexuality as Resistance to Social
Reproduction in Claude McKay’s Home to Harlem,The Erotics of Asexualities and Nonsexualities, special issue of Feminist Formations, vol. 32, no. 3, 2020, pp. 51-74.

– – -. “The Changing Horizons of Black Utopia: Political Potentials in Black Modernism,” Black Lives Matter and Modernist Studies, special issue of The Modernist Review, vol. 25, 2020.

Warczak, Katie. “When Dietrich Met Hemingway: Archival Documents Correct the Biographical Record.” The Hemingway Review, vol. 40, no. 1, Fall 2020, pp. 96-103. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/hem.2020.0030.

– – -. Review of Bodyminds Reimagined: (Dis)ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women’s Speculative Fiction, by Sami Schalk. Disability Studies Quarterly, vol. 40, no. 1, 2020,

– – -. “Challenging and Changing Humanity’s Absoluteness.” Review of Infrahumanisms: Science, Culture, and the Making of Modern Non/Personhood, by Megan Glick. Humanimalia: A Journal of Human/Animal Interface Studies, vol. 12, no. 1, Fall 2020,

Published in 2019

Chang, Yi-Ting. “I See it Feelingly”: Environmental Identities in LilaTrain Dreams and Child of God.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 26.1 (Winter 2019): 65–82.

Glew, Liana.  “On Intake and Insanity: Women’s Narratives of Institutionalization.” C19 Podcast, May 2019,

Hart, Michael Patrick. “Narrative Strategies and Fictional Intellectual Disabilities.”  Journal of Modern Literature 42.2 (Winter 2019): 185-191. Special Issue on Embodiment.

McGunigal, Lisa. “From Salonnière to Author: Clover Adams’ Salon and Henry Adams’ Democracy as Salon Realism.” American Literary Realism, vol. 52, no. 1, 2019, pp. 47–67.

Tabares, Leland. “Professional Amateurs: Asian American Content Creators in YouTube’s Digital Economy.” Journal of Asian American Studies 22.3 (October 2019): 387-417.

– – -. “Professionalization and the Precarious State of Academic Freedom for Graduate Student Instructors.” Profession (Winter 2019),

Tuttle, Joshua. Review of Stephen King’s Contemporary Classics: Reflections on the Modern Master of Horror, edited by Philip L. Simpson and Patrick McAleer. SFRA Review 329 (2019).

Tuttle, Joshua, Rachel Linnea Brown, Susanna Compton, Ryan Charlton, and Amy Huang. “Year in Conferences—2018.” ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture, 65.1 (2019).

Windon, Nathaniel. “What’s in a Name? Vincent Ogé, Toussaint Louverture, and George Boyer Vashon’s Revision of the Haitian Revolution.” American Literature, 91.2 (2019).

Published in 2018

Allen, Patrick. “‘We must attack the system’: The Print Practice of Black ‘Doctresses.’” Arizona Quarterly 74.4 (Winter 2018), 87-113.

Hart, Michael Patrick. “Albert Halper’s A Farewell to the Rising Son: A Newly Recovered Parody of Hemingway.” The Hemingway Review 37.2 (Fall 2018): 120-130.

Lee, Derek. “Dark Romantic: F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Specters of Gothic Modernism.” Journal of Modern Literature 41.4 (Summer 2018): 125-142.

Miron, Layli Maria. “Laura Barney’s Discipleship to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Tracing a Theological Flow from the Middle East to the United States, 1900–1916.” The Journal of Bahá’í Studies 28.1-2 (Spring-Summer 2018): 7-31.

– – -. “Martha Root’s Interwar Lectures: Cosmic Education and the Rhetoric of Unity” Peitho 12.1 (Fall/Winter 2018): 132-157.

Rockrohr, Dillon. “The Daemonic Life of Objects: Object-Oriented Criticism and Cynthia Ozick’s ‘The Pagan Rabbi.’” symplokē 26.1-2 (2018): 207-224.

Published in 2017

Adams, Sarah. “Agitation with—and of—Burke’s Comic Theory.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 50.3 (2017): 315-335.

Gatzemeyer, Jace. “‘Dear Mr. Hemingway’: Modernism, the Market, and the Fan Mail Reception of A Farewell to Arms.” The Hemingway Review 37.1 (Fall 2017): 85-107.

Huang, Michelle (co-authored with MK Czerwiec). “Hospice Comics: Representations of Patient and Family Experience of Illness and Death in Graphic Novels.” The Journal of Medical Humanities 38.2 (2017): 95-113.

Huang, Michelle N. “Ecologies of Entanglement in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” Journal of Asian American Studies 20.1 (February 2017): 95-117.

– – -. Huang, Michelle N. “Rematerializations of Race.” Lateral: Journal of the Cultural Studies Association 6.1 (Spring 2017).

Morgart, James. “Deleuzions of Ecohorror: Weighing Al Gore’s Eco-Strategy Against The Day of the Triffids.” Horror Studies 8.1 (Spring 2017).

Tabares, Leland. “The Contexts of Critique: Para-Institutions & the Multiple Lives of Institutionality in the Neoliberal University,” Lateral: Journal of the Cultural Studies Association (Spring 2017).

Vrana, Laura. “Gwendolyn Brooks’s Last Quatrain: The Ballad Form and African American Anti-Lynching Poems.” Journal of Ethnic American Literature 7 (Spring 2017).

Published in 2016

Coles, Gregory. “The Exorcism of Language: Reclaimed Derogatory Terms and Their Limits.” College English 78.5 (May 2016)

Foley, Abram. “By What Strange Channels: Nicholas Mosley’s Literary Circuits.” Criticism 58.3 (2016): 459-481.

Hsu, V. Jo. “A Single Life Reinvented: Personal Writing as the Negotiation of Identity in Richard Rodriguez’s Autobiographical Trilogy” Rhetoric Review 35.4 (September 2016): 361-373.

Huang, Michelle N. “Creative Evolution: Narrative Symbiogenesis in Larissa Lari’s Salt Fish Girl.” Amerasia 42.2 (2016): 118-138.

– – -. “In Uniform Code: Catherine Barkley’s Wartime Nursing Service in A Farewell to Arms.” Twentieth-Century Literature 62.2 (Summer 2016).

McGunigal,Lisa. “The Criminal Trial of Anne Hutchinson: Ritual, Religion, and Law.” Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature 49.2 (Jun 2016) 149-166.

Volpicelli, Robert. Solicited Review Essay, “Varieties of Impersonal Experience,” Journal of Modern Literature 39.4 (Summer, 2016).

Published in 2015

Birdwell, Robert. “The Radical Novel: Utopian and Scientific.” The Journal of Narrative Theory (Summer 2015).

Dicaglio, Joshua. “Ironic Ecology.” ISLE (Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment) 22.3 (2015): 447-465.

Doane, Bethany. “Hyper-Abjects: Finitude, ‘Sustainability,’ and the Maternal Body in the Anthropocene.” philoSOPHIA 5.2 (2015).

Foley, Abram. “Friedrich Kittler, Charles Olson, and the Legacies of Postwar Philology.” Affirmations: Of the Modern 2.2 (2015).

Gatzemeyer, Jace. “Scott Fitzgerald as I knew him’: F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Secondary Memoir.” The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review 13 (2015).

Huang, Michelle N.  “The Synaptic Poetics of Kimiko Hahn’s Brain Fever.” Post45: Contemporaries (December 2015).

Mellette, Justin. “C.L.R. James and the Aesthetics of Sport.” African American Review 48.4 (2015): 457-471.

– – -. “Serialization and Empire in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.” Studies in the Novel 47.3 (2015).

Owens-Murphy, Katie. “‘Miss Stein Instructs’: Revisiting the Paris Apprenticeship.” Forthcoming in Teaching Hemingway and Modernism, ed. Joseph Fruscione. Kent State UP, 2015.

Price, Matthew Burroughs. “A Genealogy of Queer Detachment.” PMLA 130.3 (2015): 648-665.

Stevens, Erica. “Three-Fingered Jack and the Severed Literary History of John Rollin Ridge’s The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta.” ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 61.1 (2015).

Tendler, Josh. “A Monument upon a Hill: Antebellum Commemoration Culture, the Here-and-Now, and Democratic Citizenship in Melville’s Israel Potter.” Studies in American Fiction 42.1 (2015).

Vrana, Laura.  “”soundtrack for a generational shift’: Music and Innovation in Evie Shockley’s the new black.” Obsidian: Literature & Arts in the African Diaspora41.1-2 (2015).

Zajac, Paul. “Constructing Cavalier Authorship: The Publishing Context of Suckling’s Fragmenta Aurea.” Studies in English Literature 55.1.

Published in 2014

Davis, Geffrey. “Edna St. Vincent Millay’s A Few Figs from Thistles: ‘Constant only to the Muse’ and Not To Be Taken Lightly.”  Textual Cultures 9.1 (Winter 2014).

Maxwell, Jason.  “Killing Yourself to Live: Foucault, Neoliberalism, and the Autoimmunity Paradigm.” Cultural Critique 88 (2014): 160-186.

Mellette, Justin. “Of Empresses and Indians: A Compositional History of ‘The End of Hate.'” The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review 12.1 (2014): 108-123.

– – -. “‘Floating I saw only the sky’: Leisure and Self-Fulfillment in The Sun Also Rises. The Hemingway Review 34.1 (2014): 61-75.

Minor, Abby. “Voices From Outside, Lit From Inside.” Agni Online (2014).

Ober, Bethany. “Fictive Memoir and Girlhood Resistance in Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 55.5 (2014): 551-566.

Price, Matthew Burroughs. “Mapping Minor Spaces: Towards a Critical Literary Geography of Hardy’s Wessex.” ELN: English Language Notes 52.1 (Spring/Summer 2014): 91-102.

Roeger, Tyler. “Agrarian Gothic: Carwin, Class Transgression, and Spatial Horrors in Charles Brockden Brown’s Wieland.Literature in the Early American Republic, Vol. 6.

Volpicelli, Robert. “William Carlos Williams’s Syphilitic Muse.” Paideuma: Studies in American and British Modernist Poetry 41 (Winter 2014).

– – -. Solicited Review, The Letters of Robert Frost, Volume 1: 1886-1920, ed. Donald Sheehy, Mark Richardson, and Robert Faggen (Harvard UP, 2014). New England Quarterly 87:4 (December 2014), 747-749.

Woolfit, William. “Oh, Catfish and Turnip Greens: Black Oral Traditions in the Poetry of Marilyn Nelson.” African American Review 47.1 (Spring 2014): 231-246.

Published in 2013

Fung, Julian. “Religion and the Anglican Narrator in Defoe’s Tour.” Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 53.3 (2013): 565-82.

– – -. “Eighteenth-Century Illustrations in the Novels of Tobias Smollett.”Eighteenth-Century Life.

Joudrey, Thomas J. “Maintaining Stability: Fancy and Passion in The Coquette.” The New England Quarterly 86.1 (2013): 60-88.

Kennedy, Dustin. “Revising the Public Sphere: George Lippard, Class, and U.S. Nationalism.” ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 59.4 (2013): 585-617.

Mannon, Ethan. “Kindred Ethics: Leopold and Badiou; Ecocriticism and Theory.” The Journal of Ecocriticism 5.1 (January 2013).

Miller, Jay. “‘Nature Hath a Voice’: John Woolman’s Wilderness Habitus.” Religion and Literature.

Rabbi, Shakil. “The Resistance Traveler: Anticolonial Rhetoric and Hospitality in Syed Mujtuba Ali’s Deshe Bideshe.” Journeys: Indian Travel Narratives. Edited by Somdatta Mandall. New Delhi, India: Creative Books, 2013.  207-222.

Salter, Sarah. “Pure Language and Linguistic Purity: Translation, Fascism, Moby-Dick.” Melville in Rome. Eds. John Bryant, Gordon Poole, Giorgio Mariani. Rome: University of Rome Sapienza Press, 2013.

Summers, Sarah. “Delivering Distance Consultations with Skype and Google Docs.” Writing Lab Newsletter. 37.7-8 (2013): 10-13.

Volpicelli, Robert. “Bare Ontology: Synge, Beckett, and the Phenomenology of Imperialism.” New Hibernia Review 17.4 (Winter 2013): 109-128.

Zajac, Paul. “Reading through the Fog: Perception, the Passions, and Poetry in Spenser’s Bower of Bliss.” English Literary Renaissance 43.2 (Spring 2013): 211-38.

Published in 2012

Gael, Patricia. “The Origins of the Book Review in England, 1663 to 1749.” The Library 13.1 (2012): 63-89.

Smith, Joshua S. “Reading Between the Acts: Satire and the Interludes in The Knight of the Burning Pestle,Studies in Philology 109.4 (Summer 2012).

Sturges, Mark.  “Text and Trail:  Ecocriticism, Textual Criticism, and William Bartram’s Travels.”  Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 14.1 (2012): 1-20.

Volpicelli, Robert. “Against Things: The At-Home Objects of Marianne Moore.” Twentieth-Century Literature 58.4 (Winter 2012): 640-662.

Published in 2011

Faris, Michael J., and Stuart A. Selber. “E-Book Issues in Composition: A Partial Assessment and Perspective for Teachers.” Composition Forum 24 (2011). Online.

Fung, Julian. “Frances Burney as Satirist.” Modern Language Review 106 (2011): 937-53.

Hackenbracht, Ryan.  “The Plague of 1625-26, Apocalyptic Anticipation, and Milton’s Elegy III.” Studies in Philology 108.3 (2011): 403-38.

Kennedy, Dustin. “Going Viral: Stedman’s Narrative, Textual Variation, and Life in Atlantic Studies.” Romantic Circles Praxis Series (October 2011). Online.

McGunigal, Lisa. “Twins of Genius: Mark Twain on the Stage, Huck Finn on the Page.” The Mark Twain Annual 9.1 (2011): 84–97.

Moiles, Sean. “The Politics of Gentrification in Ernesto Quinonez’s Novels.” Critique 52.1 (2011): 114-133.

Owens-Murphy, Katie. “Modernism and the Persistence of Romance.”  Journal of Modern Literature 34.4 (2011): 48-62.

Orr, Leah. “Christopher Smart as a Christian Translator: The Verse Horace of 1767,” Studies in Philology 108.3 (2011): 439-467.

– – -. “Genre Labels on the Title Pages of English Fiction, 1660-1800.” Philological Quarterly 90.1 (2011): 65-93.

– – -. “The Basis for Attribution in the Canon of Eliza Haywood,” The Library, 7th series, 12.4 (2011): 335-375.

Owens-Murphy, Katie. “The Frontier Ethic Behind Cormac McCarthy’s Southern Fiction.” Arizona Quarterly 67.2 (Summer 2011): 155-178.

Schrock,Chad, “Neoplatonic Theodicy in Chaucer’s ‘Legend of Good Women.'” Studies in Philology 108.1 (2011): 27-43.

Sturges, Mark.  “Enclosing the Commons:  Thomas Jefferson, Agrarian Independence, and Early American Land Policy, 1774-1789.”  Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 119.1 (2011):  42-74.

Published in 2010

Davis, Geffrey. “The Threads That Connect Us: An Interview with Charles Johnson.” Callaloo 33.3 (2010): 807-819.

– – -. Reprinted. Ghosh, Nibir K. and E. Ethelbert Miller, eds. Charles Johnson: Embracing the World. Delhi, India: Authorspress, 2011. 17-32.

Summers, Sarah. “‘Twilight is so anti-feminist that I want to cry:’ Twilight fans finding and defining feminism on the World Wide Web.” Computers and Composition 27.4 (2010): 315-323.