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Congratulations to Robert Caserio, who is the recipient of the 2021 Emeritus Distinction Award!

Congratulations to Robert Caserio, who is the recipient of the 2021 Emeritus Distinction Award!

Since his retirement, Robert has stayed very busy, publishing The Cambridge Introduction to British Fiction, 1900-1950 in 2019 and seeing into production his edition of Wyndham Lewis’s The Lion and the Fox: The rôle of the hero in the plays of Shakespeare, as volume 21 of The Oxford Complete Works of Wyndham Lewis. He has also published several essays and articles and is wrapping up his term as Middle Atlantic States representative to MLA Delegate Assembly and as a trustee of the Joseph Conrad Society of America, as well as taking on several service roles as tenure or manuscript reviewer and judge of the D. H. Lawrence Society essay prize competition.